153.0 2244-2256 04/12 ROU Antena Satelor, Bod Colonie. Rumanian folk songs. 35252
  153.0 2232-2245 11/12 ROU Antena Satelor, Bod Colonie. Rumanian folk songs.         45454
  153.0 1116-1130 13/11 ROU Antena Satelor. Tks.    25352
  153.0 2133-2146 18/11 ROU Antena Satelor, Bod Colonie. Interview.           35353
  225.0 2246-2256 04/12 POL Polskie R, Solec Kujawski. Interview. 35342
  225.0 2234-2244 11/12 POL Polskie R, Solec Kujawski. Interview.           35343
  225.0 1118-1132 13/11 POL Polskie R. Tks, mx.        25342
  225.0 2138-2148 18/11 POL Polskie R, Solec Kujawski. F/ball match rpts.           35343
  590.0 1947-1957 10/12 CAN VOCM, St. John's NL. E, tks, px anns., advs. 34342
  590.0 1945-955 14/11 CAN VOCM (p), St. John's NL. E, tks. Adj. QRM de E. 13441
  595.0 1008-1018 20/11 MRC SNRT-Reg., Oujda. A, tks. Extrem. weak audio. 55454
  660.0 2147-2157 18/11 USA WFAN (p), New York NY. E, tks. Adj. QRM. 24341
  710.0 2144-2154 18/11 CAN CKVO, Clarenville NL. VOCM relay, E, songs. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 24341
  711.0 1006-1016 20/11 MRC SNRT-Reg., El Aaiún A, nx. Weak audio. 45454
  760.0 2244-2254 09/12 USA WJR, Detroit MI. E, tks on matches, advs. 34443
  760.0 2142-2152 18/11 USA WJR, Detroit MI. E, tks, interview. Adj. QRM. 24341
  819.0 2248-2258 04/12 EGY ERTU, Batra. Tks. Poor audio. 35443
  819.0 2216-2226 17/11 EGY ERTU, Batra. Ar. songs. Poor audio. 45444
  828.0 2300-2310 10/12 G BBC Asian Netw., Wolverhampton, 200 W. E, Hindustani pops. Adj. QRM. 34342
  828.0 2214-2224 17/11 G BBC Asian Netw., Wolverhampton, 200 W. E, anns., Hindustani pops. Adj. QRM. 34342
  846.0 2218-2228 17/11 IRL R.North, Recastle, 3 kW. E, songs. Adj. QRM. 33442
  860.0 2246-2256 09/12 CAN CJBC, Toronto ON. F, nx. Adj. QRM. 33442
  864.0 2213-2223 02/12 EGY ? ERTU-Koran ch. (p), Santah. Prayer. QRM de E. 33442
  890.0 2201-2211 18/11 USA WLS (t), Chicago IL. E, nx. Adj. QRM. 24341
  918.0 2220-2228 17/11 EGY ERTU-Gen. Px, Al Bawati. Ar. songs, Cairo ID at 2230.  35343
  927.0 2211-2221 02/12 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Timimoun. A, tks, rpts. on Syria. 45444
  927.0 2223-2233 17/11 I Power 927, Abbiategrasso, 1 kW. Pops, tks. 25342
  927.0 2222-2232 17/11 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Timimoun. A, tks, Ar. songs. 35443
  945.0 1939-1952 09/12 STP R.Nac. de São Tomé e Príncipe, Ponta Praião. Nx. Co-ch. QRM. 44444
  945.0 1947-1957 14/11 STP R.Nac. de São Tomé e Príncipe, Ponta Praião. Home nx. 34343
  945.0 1927-1937 19/11 STP R.Nac. de São Tomé e Príncipe, Ponta Praião. Anns., songs, jingle for Jornal da Noite at 1930. 35443
  945.0 1921-1931 19/11 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Miercurea Ciuc. Interview. Adj. QRM.               24341
  963.0 2303-2313 08/11 TUN RTT-Intl. Sce., Djedeida. F, pops. QRM de POR local. 44443
1010.0 2246-2256 12/11 USA WINS, New York NY. E, tks, advs., wx rpt, nx at 2300. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. Improving. 24341
1035.0 1708-1718 15/11 G Lyca Gold, London, 2.5 kW. Hindustani songs. QRM de EST. 33341
1035.0 1710-1020 15/11 EST R.Eli, Tartu. Ru, tks, songs. QRM de G. 44343
1071.0 2303-2313 11/11 IRN IRIB-R.Ma'aref, Qom. Tks. QRM de ARS. 34443
1071.0 2231-2241 17/11 G TalkSport, Clipstone & Newcastle/Tyne, 1 kW. Tks. Adj & co-ch. QRM. 34342
1130.0 2207-2217 18/11 USA WBBR, New York NY. E, tks, interview, ref. to Bloomberg Radio, advs. Adj. QRM. 34443
1161.0 1740-1750 13/12 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Tamanrasset, In Salah. A, tks, phoned interview. 45444
1161.0 1712-1722 15/11 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Tamanrasset, In Salah. A, match rpt.        55343
1170.0 1945-1955 10/12 SVN R.Capodistria, Beli Križ. Ita, pops. 35443
1170.0 1738-1748 13/12 SVN R.Capodistria. Ita, interview on literature. 35443
1170.0 1706-1716 15/11 SVN R.Capodistria, Beli Križ. Ita, interview.           55343
1188.0 2302-2212 10/12 I R.Studio X, Momigno, 5 kW. Pops. Adj. QRM. 33441
1188.0 1742-1752 13/12 HNG Magyar Rádió - 4, Marcali & Szolnok. Slvk, tks. Occ. QRM de IRN. 35443
1188.0 1704-1714 15/11 HNG Magyar Rádió - 4, Marcali & Szolnok. Slvk, tks,interviews. 54343
1197.0 2304-2314 10/12 IRN IRIB-R.Ardabil, Moghan. Persian songs. Adj. QRM. 34443
1197.0 2301-2311 11/11 IRN IRIB-R.Ardabil, Moghan. Tks, mx. 35343
1197.0 1736-1746 13/12 ROU R.Târgu Mureş, Bod Colonie. Tradit. songs. 35443
1197.0 1714-1724 15/11 IRN IRIB-R.Ardabil. Tks. QRM de ROU.        22341
1197.0 1716-1726 15/11 ROU R.Târgu Mureş, Bod Colonie. Anns., songs. QRM de IRN. 45343
1200.0 2211-2221 18/11 USA WXKS (p), Boston MA. E, tks on current US affairs. Co-ch. QRM. 34342
1210.0 2213-2223 18/11 USA WPHT (p), Philadelphia NJ. E, tks. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 34343
1251.0 1744-1754 13/12 HNG Dankó Rádió, Nyíreghaza & Szombathely. Hun, mx, tks. QRM de POR. 34432
1278.0 2215-2225 02/12 UKR Ukrainian R-1, Pokrovske. Urk, tks. QRM de IRN. 34443
1278.0 2245-2255 08/11 UKR Ukrainian R-1, Pokrovske. Ukr, songs. 35342
1278.0 1746-1756 13/12 UKR Ukrainian R-1, Pokrovske. Ukr, tks.    R 34432
1278.0 1718-1728 15/11 UKR Ukrainian R-1, Pokrovske. Urk, tks, interview.          45343
1280.0 2215-2225 18/11 CAN CFMB, Montréal PQ. Ita, nx, Italian pops. 35343
1296.0 1748-1758 13/12 G R.XL1296AM, Birmingham. Hinustani pops. QRM de E. 44433
1323.0 1936-1946 12/12 IRN IRIB-World Sce., Jolfa. Azeri (listed), tks, interview. QRM de I (p). 33431
1332.0 2232-2242 06/12 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Galaţi. Songs, tks, interview. QRM de IRN. 24341
1332.0 1720-1730 15/11 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Galaţi. Tks, pops. 55343
1349.9 2242-2252 17/11 B Super R. Cristal (p) Salvador BA. Rlgs. propag. from RBVontade. Co-ch. QRM. 34443
1358.0 2241-2251 11/11 IRN IRIB-R.Golestan, Gonbad-e Qabus. Songs, tks. Occ. QRM de G. 24331
1359.0 1933-1943 19/11 ETH Voice Of The Tigreé Revolution, Mekele. Vn, tks, HoA songs. 35342
1368.0 2230-2240 06/12 G Manx R, Foxdale, IoM. Pops. 45343
1368.0 2241-2251 11/11 IRN IRIB-R.Golestan, Gonbad-e Qabus. Songs, tks. Occ. QRM de G.  *** wrong fq. of 1358 in the 9-15 Nov rpt. *** 24331
1368.0 1211-1223 17/11 G Manx R, Foxdale, IoM. Tks, mx.                15341
1377.0 2146-2156 05/12 TZA R.Free Africa, Mwanza. Swah, phone-ins, 35342
1377.0 2238-2248 11/11 IRN IRIB - 2 stns. Chanting. Occ. QRM de TZA. 25331
1377.0 2236-2246 11/11 TZA R.Free Africa, Mwanza. Swah, Afr. songs & pops. 35433
1377.0 2300-2310 13/12 TZA R.Free Africa, Mwanza. Swah, Afr. pops.           35443
1380.0 2242-2252 12/11 B R.Continental do Recife (p), Recife PE. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. QRM de NAm. 34342
1386.0 2318-2328 01/12 LTU Ukrainian R via R.Baltic Waves Int'l., Viešintos. Ukr, tks. 35343
1386.0 1934-1944 12/12 LTU R.Liberty  via R.Baltic Waves Int'l., Viešintos. Ru, tks.                 55444
1386.0 1937-1947 18/11 LTU Ukrainian R via R.Baltic Waves Int'l., Viešintos. Ukr, tks, interviews.           55444
1390.0 2240-2250 12/11 USA WEGP, Presqu'Île ME. E, rlgs.propag. 34433
1390.0 1923-1933 12/12 USA WEGP (p), Presqu'Île ME. E, tks, interview. Adj. QRM. 23441
1400.0 1943-1953 10/12 CAN CBG, Gander NL. E, tks. 25341
1400.0 1935-1945 18/11 CAN CBG, Gander NL. E, mx, tks, wx rpt for Newfoundland & Labrador. 35342
1404.0 2218-2228 06/12 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Sibiu. Songs, tks. Adj. QRM. 24341
1404.0 2234-2244 11/11 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Sibiu. Tks, interviews. Adj. QRM. 24341
1404.0 1933-1943 18/11 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Sibiu. Tks. Adj. QRM.           24342
1431.0 1931-1941 18/11 DJI VoA, doralé. F, nx. 35342
1440.0 1938-1948 19/11 I Regional R, Narni, 1 kW Pops. // web. 35343
1449.0 2241-2251 08/11 G BBC Asian Netw., Peterborough, 150 W. E, Hindustani pops. 25341
1458.0 2232-2242 02/12 GIB R.Gibraltar, Maida Vale. E, pops. QRM de G, sometimes vy. strg. 54433
1458.0 2243-2253 08/11 GIB R.Gibraltar, Maida Vale. E, pops. QRM de G. 54433
1458.0 2248-2258 13/12 GIB R.Gibraltar, Maida Vale. E, pops. QRM de G.         54444
1458.0 1223-1233 15/11 GIB R.Gibraltar, Maida Vale. E, rpts. on the flooding in Spain. 45343
1476.0 1915-1925 11/11 BEN TWR Africa, Parakou. Vn, tks. 35342
1476.0 1801-1811 13/12 BEN TWR Africa, Parakou. E, rlgs. propag. 45444
1500.0 2237-2247 12/12 USA WFED (p), Washington MD. E, tks. Adj. QRM. 33441
1512.0 2249-2259 22/11 IRN IRIB-R.Ardabil, Ardabil. Persian mx. 25341
1530.0 2234-2244 02/12 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Rădăuţi. Tks, interview. 34432
1530.0 2144-2154 05/12 MDR PEF-Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 3 kW. Portug. songs.   *** fq. mistyped in the 30Nov-06Dec rpt. *** 35443
1530.0 2230-2240 11/11 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Rădăuţi. Tks, interviews. 35433
1530.0 2246-2256 13/12 MDR PEF-Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 3 kW. Portug. songs.         45444
1530.0 1722-1732 15/11 ROU R.Constanţa, Nufăru. Pops, tks.. 44343
1530.0 1916-1926 19/11 MDR PEF-Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 3 kW. Anns., sung ID, songs.            55444
1530.0 0952-1005 20/11 MDR PEF. Songs, advs., infos., sung ID, more mx. 35453
1550.0 2240-2250 02/12 ALG POLISARIO Front (cland.), Rabouni. A, songs. Uses to close at 2300. 55444
1550.0 *1700-1710 13/12 ALG POLISARIO Front (cland.), Rabouni. A, anthem, prayer. 55444
1550.0 1151-1207 17/11 ALG POLISARIO Front (cland.), Rabouni. A, tks, songs, TS at 1200, nx (?). Closed at 1300. Rtd.25342 at 1230.      25341
1550.0 *1700-1710 17/11 ALG POLISARIO Front. A, anthem, prayer. 55555
1550.0 2309-2319 18/11 CAN CBEF, Windsor ON. F, rpt. on Ukraine. Co-ch. QRM. 34342
1550.0 1000-1010 20/11 ALG POLISARIO Front. A, nx (p). 35443
1566.0 1912-1922 18/11 G BBC Somerset, Taunton 1 kW. Tks on health issues. QRM de BEN 44343
1566.0 1916-1926 18/11 BEN TWR Africa, Parakou. Vn, rlgs. propag., songs. QRM de G. 44343
1570.0 2239-2249 12/12 CAN CJLV, Laval PQ. F, class. mx. Adj. QRM. 34432
1575.0 1940-1950 19/11 I R.Centrale Milano, Alessandria, 750 W. Songs. QRM de E. 33442
1600.0 2305-2315 18/11 USA WWRL (p), New York NY. Cast, Mexican (?) mx. Adj. QRM. 33442
1610.0 2207-2217 09/12 CAN CHHA, Toronto ON. Cast, interview on Xmas preparations. 34432
1610.0 2209-2219 09/12 CAN ? CHRN (p), Montréal PQ. SEAs (?) accented E, tks. QRM de CHHA. 23431
1611.0 2226-... 01/12 HOL Atlantik R - pir. Mx, tks, pops. Adj. QRM de E on 1602. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 23341
1611.0 1901-... 10/11 HOL R.King Kong - pir. Du, tks, Dutch folk mx, songs. Adj. QRM de E on 1602. 24341
1611.0 1926-... 20/11 HOL Mike R - pir. Pops. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1612.0 2145-... 24/11 HOL R.Delfzijl - pir. Dutch mx. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1615.0 2215-... 16/11 HOL R.Blauwer Koe - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. Adj. QRM de E on 1602. 24341
1616.0 1854-... 11/11 HOL R.Al Capone - pir. Mx. Country & stn  ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1620.0 1926-... 03/12 HOL R.Marianne (t) - pir. Dutch songs. T-ID via DX press. 15341
1620.0 1850-... 10/11 HOL R.King Kong - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. QRM de Greek pir. stn. QSY 1611 around 1900. 24341
1620.0 1931-... 10/12 HOL R.Marianne - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. Still on at 2145. 35342
1620.0 1852-... 11/11 HOL R.Gouden Ster - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 35341
1620.0 2221-... 12/11 HOL R.Gouden Ster - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks, mx. 25342
1620.0 1901-... 13/12 HOL R.Alabama - pir. Du, pop mx. 35343
1620.0 2236-2246 15/11 CUB ? R.Rebelde (?), 3 sites. Cast, tks. 25331
1620.0 1658-... 16/11 HOL R.King Kong - pir. Du, Austrian folk songs, Dutch songs, tks. 35342
1620.0 2212-... 17/11 HOL Atlantik R - pir. Du, tks, songs. 25341
1620.0 1932-... 17/11 HOL R.Gouden Ster - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. Still on at 2130+. 35343
1620.0 1839-... 18/11 HOL R.Al Capone (t) - pir. Pops. T-ID via DX press. 25341
1620.0 2117-... 18/11 HOL R.Spakenburg (t) - pir. Du, pops, tks. T-ID via DX press. 35332
1620.0 2303-2313 18/11 USA WTAW, Bryan TX E, tks, advs. Co-ch. QRM. 34342
1620.0 2153-2200* 19/11 HOL R.Marianne - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. 35342
1620.0 1909-... 21/11 HOL R.Bizon - pir. Du, tks, songs, mx. ID via DX press. 25341
1620.0 1944-2200* 26/11 HOL R.Marianne - pir. Du, songs, tks. ID by operator's voice. 15341
1620.0 *2204-2208* 26/11 HOL R.Marianne - pir. Du, songs, tks. 25341
1620.0 *2200-2204* 26/11 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Songs, tks. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1620.0 *2208-... 26/11 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Songs, tks. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1620.0 2136-... 28/11 HOL R.King Kong - pir. Du, songs, tks. ID by operator's voice. 25342
1620.0 1925-... 29/11 HOL R.Gouden Ster - pir. Du, tks, Dutch songs. 25342
1620.0 2213-... 29/11 HOL R.Zwarte Bouvier - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks, mx. 25341
1620.0 *2308-2312* 29/11 HOL R.Zwarte Bouvier - pir. Du, mx, tks. 25341
1624.0 2154-... 09/11 HOL R.Blauwe Koe - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. ID via DX press. 25342
1625.0 2213-2252* 21/11 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Pops, Dutch mx, tks. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1629.0 1929-... 02/12 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, Dutch mx. 25341
1629.0 2135-... 05/12 HOL R.Marskramer - pir. Pops, Dutch mx & songs. ID via DX press. 25341
1629.0 1923-... 05/12 HOL R.Marskramer (t) - pir. Pops. T-ID via DX press. 15341
1629.0 2145-... 06/12 HOL R.Tarzan - pir. Songs.  Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, ID via DX press. 15341
1629.0 2229-... 08/11 HOL R.King Kong - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. 25341
1629.0 1915-... 08/11 HOL R.Turftrekker - pir. Du, pops, tks. 25341
1629.0 1935-... 09/12 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, tks, mx. 25341
1629.0 1858-... 11/11 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks, mx. 25342
1629.0 1852-... 11/12 HOL R.Spakenburg (t) - pir. Pops. T-ID via DX press. 25341
1629.0 1917-... 14/11 HOL R.Marskramer - pir. Du, tks, songs. Echo in speech. 35342
1629.0 1656-... 16/11 HOL R.Luka (t) - pir. Dutch songs. T-ID via DX press. 25341
1629.0 1836-... 18/11 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, Dutch pops. 35342
1629.0 2201-... 23/11 HOL R.Blauwe Koe (t) - pir. Pops. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, T-ID via DX press. 15341
1629.0 2138-... 28/11 HOL R.Marskramer - pir. Dutch songs, Du. mx, jodel. ID via DX press. 25342
1629.0 2156-... 29/11 HOL R.Turftrekker (t) - pir. Pops. T-ID via DX press. 25341
1630.0 2144-2154 05/12 MDR PEF-Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 3 kW. Portug. songs. 35443
1630.0 2225-... 07/12 HOL R.Blauwe Koe - pir. Du, pops. 25341
1630.0 1930-... 13/11 HOL R.Eigen Risiko - pir. Dutch songs. QSY 1631 25342
1630.0 *1936-... 13/11 HOL R.Eigen Risiko - pir. Du, songs, tks. Ex-1631, 1630. 25342
1630.0 2303-2313 19/11 USA KCJJ (p), Iowa City IA. E, tks. 25341
1631.0 *1933-1936* 13/11 HOL R.Eigen Risiko - pir. Songs. Ex-1630, QSY 1630. 25342
1633.0 2233-... 15/11 HOL R.Blauwe Fazant - pir. Pop mx, tks. Country & stn ID via DX press. 15331
1635.0 2252-... 10/12 HOL R.Elektron - pir. Du, tks, pops. 25331
1635.0 2258-... 30/11 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, songs, jodel, polkas, pops, tks. ID by operator's voice. 15341
1636.0 1901-... 09/11 HOL R.Mi Amigo - pir. Du, songs, tks. 25341
1636.0 1735-... 11/12 HOL R.Mi Amigo - pir. Du, tks, songs in G. ID via DX press. 25341
1636.0 1922-... 21/11 HOL R.Eigen Risiko (t) - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, T-ID via DX press. 15331
1638.0 2228-2231* 03/12 HOL R.De Stem van Twente (t) - pir. Du, polkas, tks. T-ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1638.0 1902-... 05/12 HOL R.Spakenburg - pir. Du, songs, ref. to R.Columbia. 25342
1638.0 2143-... 06/12 HOL R.Turftrekker - pir. Songs. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1638.0 1913-... 08/11 HOL R.Dikke Bertha - pir. Du, songs in G, Dutch songs. 35343
1638.0 1734-... 12/12 HOL R.Marskramer - pir. Du, songs. 35342
1638.0 2206-... 12/12 HOL R.Marskramer - pir. Du, tks, oldies, jodel,pop oldies. Echo in speech. 35332
1638.0 1922-... 25/11 HOL R.Dikke Bertha - pir. Pops. Country & stn  ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1639.0 1931-... 08/12 HOL R.Witte Tornado - pir. Songs. ID via DX press & Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1639.0 1905-... 13/12 HOL R.Witte Tornado - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 25342
1639.0 2201-... 17/11 HOL R.Witte Tornado - pir. Pops, Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 35342
1639.0 2113-... 24/11 HOL R.Witte Tornado - pir. Songs. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1640.0 2237-... 11/12 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Pops. QRM de Greek pir. stn. Country & stn ID via DX press. 22341
1640.0 2244-2245* 11/12 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, polkas, tks.   25342
1640.0 1702-... 16/11 HOL R.Eigen Risiko - pir. Du, Dutch songs. 25342
1640.0 2155-... 21/11 HOL R.Prof. Sickbock - pir. Pops. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1640.0 2248-... 25/11 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Mx. Country & stn  ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15431
1644.0 2239-2243* 10/12 CNR Arrecife R, Los Hoyos. Wx rpt, s/off ann. 35343
1644.0 2236-... 12/11 CNR Arrecife R, Los Hoyos. E/Cast, wx rpt. 35343
1644.0 2237-... 26/11 CNR Arrecife R, Los Hoyos. E/Cast, wx rpt.         25341
1645.0 1913-... 13/11 HOL R.Eigen Risiko (t) - pir. C&w. T-ID via DX press. 35343
1645.0 2151-2255* 13/11 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Dutch songs, pops, tks, ref. to R.Delfzijl prior to closure. 35342
1645.0 1841-... 18/11 HOL R.Meteoor - pir. Du, tks, polkas, Dutch mx. 35342
1645.0 2256-... 30/11 HOL R.Nachtzwerver - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 15341
1646.9 1903-... 09/11 HOL R.Keizer en Keizerin - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, ID via DX press. 15331
1646.9 2159-... 23/11 HOL R.Keizer en Keizerin - pir. Songs. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1647.0 2224-... 01/12 HOL R.Moonlight (t) - pir. Songs. T-ID via DX press. 15341
1647.0 1914-... 03/12 HOL R.Columbia - pir. Pops, songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, ID via DX press. 25341
1647.0 2142-2147* 05/12 HOL R.Digitaal - pir. Du, mx, tks. ID by operator's voice. 25342
1647.0 1908-... 06/12 HOL R.Moonbreker - pir. Songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1647.0 2208-... 08/11 HOL R.Armada - pir. Du, pops, tks. 25341
1647.0 2210-... 10/11 HOL R.Nachtzwerver - pir. Du, pops, tks. 25342
1647.0 1846-... 10/11 HOL R.Ronalisa - pir. Dutch songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25341
1647.0 1921-... 10/12 HOL R.Columbia - pir. Du, polkas, brassband mx, Dutch songs, pops. 35342
1647.0 2247-... 11/12 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, tks, mx. 25342
1647.0 1737-... 11/12 HOL R.Moonbreker - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 25341
1647.0 1906-... 12/11 HOL R.Moonbreker - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 35342
1647.0 1737-... 15/11 HOL R.Noordzee - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 25341
1647.0 2217-... 16/11 HOL R.Moonlight (t) - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 25341
1647.0 1739-... 17/11 HOL R.Moonbreker - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 25342
1647.0 1750-... 19/11 HOL R.Moonbreker - pir. Du, songs in G, Dutch songs. 35343
1648.0 2153-... 11/12 HOL R.Perenboom - pir. Du, Dutch mx, tks. 25342
1648.0 2115-... 24/11 HOL R.Perenboom - pir. Du, tks, Dutch mx, songs in G. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1650.0 2223-2225* 03/12 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, Dutch mx, tks. ID by operator's voice. 15341
1650.0 *2240-2242* 03/12 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, Dutch mx, tks, ref. to R.Spanningzoeker, R.Elektron.   35342
1650.0 2201-2211 09/12 USA WHKT (p), Portsmouth VA. E, interview. QRM de NAm. 34432
1650.0 1935-1937* 13/12 F CROSS Corsen, Pointe de Corsen. Wx rpt. Immediate repeat on 2677. 25342
1650.0 2218-2228 18/11 USA WHKT (p), Portsmouth VA. E, tks on sport. QRM de CAN (p). 34343
1650.0 *2305-2307* 29/11 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Mx. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1650.0 *2313-2315* 29/11 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, tks, Dutch mx. ID by operator's voice. 15341
1652.0 2208-... 16/11 HOL R.Moby Dick (p) - pir. Dutch songs. 35332
1652.0 2220-... 30/11 HOL R.Moby Dick (p) - pir. Dutch songs. 25341
1653.0 2214-... 11/12 HOL R.Blauwe Hond - pir. Mx. Country & stn ID via DX press. 15331
1653.0 1857-... 17/11 HOL R.Blauwe Hond (t) - pir. Mx, tks. T-ID via DX press. 15341
1655.0 2250-... 01/12 HOL R.Witte Raaf (t) - pir. Pops. T-ID via DX press. 15341
1655.0 1900-... 04/12 HOL R.Dikke Bertha - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks, pops, phone nr. ann. 25341
1655.0 1905-... 09/11 HOL R.Batavier - pir. Du, songs, pops, tks. 35342
1655.0 2150-... 09/11 HOL R.Yogi - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 25342
1655.0 2144-... 10/12 HOL R.De Klap - pir. Du, pops, tks. 25341
1655.0 2126-... 17/11 HOL R.Witte Raaf - pir. Du, pops, incl. oldies. 35342
1655.0 1936-... 23/11 HOL R.Yogi - pir. Songs. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1655.0 2139-... 24/11 HOL R.Witte Raaf - pir. Songs. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1655.1 2140-... 06/12 HOL R.Manolito - pir. Pops.  Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, ID via DX press. 15341
1656.0 2003-2005* 01/12 E Tarifa R, Conil. E/Cast, navig. warnings, s/off anns. 35342
1656.0 1918-... 03/12 HOL Mike R - pir. Pops. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25341
1656.0 2213-... 12/11 HOL R.Pietjie Prut (t) - pir. Dutch songs, pops, Dutch folk mx. T-ID via DX press. 25341
1656.0 1754-... 12/12 HOL R.Moonlight - pir. Pop mx, Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 35343
1656.0 1907-... 13/12 HOL R.Tarzan - pir. Du, mx, tks, songs. 25342
1656.0 1946-... 18/11 E Tarifa R, Conil. E/Cast, gale warnings.          45444
1656.0 1746-... 19/11 HOL R.Armada - pir. Du, Dutch songs. 35342
1656.0 2154-... 20/11 HOL R.Technische Man - pir. Du, pops, Dutch mx. 25342
1656.2 2227-... 04/12 HOL R.Ronalisa - pir. Du, Dutch songs, pops. 25342
1657.0 1855-... 17/11 HOL R.Kristal - pir. Du, Dutch mx, tks, Dutch songs. 35342
1657.0 1908-1918 18/11 LTU R.Lenta, Sitkūnai. Ru, tks, anns. 45343
1660.0 2211-2221 09/12 USA WWRU, Jersey City NJ. Kor, tks, advs. (?). 34443
1660.0 1739-1743* 11/12 HOL R.Studio 19 - pir. Du, tks, oldies. ID via DX press. 25341
1660.0 2219-2229 12/11 PTR WGIT Faro de Santidad, Canóvanas. Cast, rlgs. propag. QRM de WWRU. 34342
1660.0 2132-2142 13/11 USA WWRU, Jersey City NJ. Kor, tks, mx. 25342
1660.0 1935-... 21/11 HOL Studio 19 - pir. Pops. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1660.0 2218-... 30/11 HOL Studio 19 - pir. Du, pops, tks. 25341
1665.0 1927-... 08/12 HOL R.Tarzan - pir. Mx. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1665.0 2143-... 09/11 HOL R.Vonkentrekker - pir. Pops. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, ID via DX press. 15341
1665.0 1842-... 10/11 HOL R.Matrix - pir. Du/E, pops, tks. 25342
1665.0 1728-... 16/11 HOL R.Armada - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 25331
1665.0 2224-... 28/11 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, Dutch mx, tks. ID by operator's voice. 15341
1668.0 1919-... 11/12 HOL R.Delfzijl - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 35342
1668.0 *2247-... 28/11 HOL R.Elektron (t) - pir. Mx. Country & T-stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1668.0 2230-... 28/11 HOL R.Vonkenboer - pir. Mx. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1670.0 2148-... 03/12 HOL R.Technische Man - pir. Du, Dutch pops. 25341
1670.0 2205-2215 09/12 USA WPLA, Macon GA. E, anns., ref. to the Black Information Network. 34443
1670.0 2124-... 17/11 HOL R.Vonkentrekker - pir. Du, pops, Dutch mx, tks. 25342
1673.0 2202-... 12/12 HOL R.Armada - pir. Du, songs, incl. Dutch ones. 35342
1677.0 2307-... 01/12 E Matxitxako R, Cabo Quejo. Cast/E, gale warnings. 35343
1677.0 1915-1920* 05/12 E Matxitxako R. Cast/E, gale warnings, s/off anns. 35342
1677.0 2310-... 11/11 E Matxitxako R, Cabo Quejo. Gale warnings. 35343
1680.0 2245-2246* 01/12 NOR Florø R, Florø. Wx rpt (p). 15341
1680.0 2203-2213 09/12 USA WTTN (p), Philadelphia NJ. Songs in Cast. QRM de NAm. 34432
1680.0 2319-... 11/11 NOR Florø R, Florø. E/Nor, wx rpt or gale warnings cf. // 1728. 15341
1680.0 2225-2235 12/11 USA WTTM La Única (p), Philadelphia NJ. LAm pops in Cast. Co-ch. QRM. 24331
1680.0 2237-2242* 14/11 NOR Florø R, Florø. E/Nor, wx rpt.          25342
1680.0 2155-2158* 17/11 NOR Florø R, Florø. Wx rpt.      25342
1685.0 2213-... 12/12 SRB ? Atom R - pir. Tks, Serbian (?) songs. Echo in speech. 35343
1689.0 2241-2243* 10/12 CNR Las Palmas R, Pico del Inglés. Wx rpt, s/off ann. 34342
1689.0 2238-... 12/11 CNR Las Palmas R, Pico del Inglés. E/Cast, wx rpt. 35343
1689.0 2239-... 26/11 CNR Las Palmas R, Pico del Inglés. E/Cast, wx rpt.        15341
1690.0 2213-2223 09/12 USA WPTX, Lexington Park MD. E, advs., songs. QRM de CHTO. 34432
1690.0 2223-2233 12/11 USA WPTX, Lexington Park MD. E, advs., fq. ann., songs. 35342
1692.0 2243-... 01/12 NOR Rogaland R, Vigre. Wx rpt (p). 15341
1692.0 2235-... 09/12 NOR Rogaland R, Vigre. E, gale & navig. warnings.        35342
1692.0 2238-2242* 14/11 NOR Rogaland R. E/Nor, wx rpt.          25342
1692.0 2236-... 28/11 NOR Rogaland R, Vigre. E/Nor, navig. warnings.         25341
1696.0 2201-2206* 02/12 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste.-Marguerite. Wx rpt. 25342
1696.0 2203-2205* 17/11 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste.-Marguerite. Wx rpt. Immediate repeat on 2677.         35343
1698.0 2309-... 01/12 E Finisterre R, Finisterre. Cast/E, gale warnings. Adj. QRM. 34343
1698.0 1917-1920* 05/12 E Finisterre R. Cast/E, gale warnings, s/off anns. 35342
1698.0 2308-... 11/11 E Finisterre R, Finisterre. Gale warnings. 35343
1700.0 2221-2231 18/11 USA WJCC (p), Miami FL. F creole, tks. QRM de USA. 33341
1704.0 2006-... 01/12 E Cabo de Gata R, La Guapa. Cast/E, navig. warnings. 35342
1704.0 1921-... 11/12 E Cabo de Gata R, La Guapa. E/Cast, gale warnings.          35343
1707.0 2311-... 01/12 E A Coruña R, Ortigueira. Cast/E, gale warnings. 35343
1707.0 2312-... 11/11 E A Coruña R, Ortigueira. Gale warnings.         35342
1710.0 2233-2235* 12/12 NOR Bodø R, Sandnessjøen. Wx rpt, navig. warnings? 25341
1728.0 2314-... 01/12 NOR Rogaland R, Marøy. E, wx rpt. 25341
1728.0 2237-... 09/12 NOR Rogaland R, Marøy. E, gale & navig. warnings.        35342
1728.0 2314-... 11/11 NOR Rogaland R, Marøy. E/Nor, wx rpt or gale warnings. 25331
1728.0 2239-2242* 14/11 NOR Rogaland R. Wx rpt, navig. warnings.          35342
1728.0 1837-... 17/11 NOR Rogaland R, Marøy. Wx rpt, navig. warnings.             35342
1728.0 2322-2326* 29/11 NOR Rogaland R, Marøy. Wx rpt.         25342
1734.0 1745-... 11/12 DNK Lyngby R, Blåvand. E, wx rpt, Dan, navig. warnings? 25341
1734.0 2136-... 17/11 DNK Lyngby R, Blåvand. E, navig. warnings. 25341
1734.0 2148-... 27/11 DNK Lyngby R, Blåvand. Wx rpt, navig. warnings?           25341
1743.0 2213-... 03/12 G Stornoway Coastguard, Butt of Lewis, Alba. Wx rpt, navig. warnings?     15341
1743.0 1912-... 11/12 G Stornoway Coastguard, Butt of Lewis, Alba. Wx rpt.            25342
1743.0 1912-... 19/11 G Stornoway Coastguard, Butt of Lewis, Alba. Gale warnings (t).           15341
1755.0 1937-... 01/12 E Palma R, Forrells. Cast/E, navig. warnings. 35342
1755.0 1937-... 10/12 E Palma R, Forrells. Cast/E, navig. warnings.         35343
1755.0 1941-... 13/11 E Palma R. E, navig. warnings.               35342
1758.0 1747-... 11/12 DNK Lyngby R, Frederikshavn. Navig. warnings?  25341
1758.0 2138-... 17/11 DNK Lyngby R, Frederikshavn. E, navig. warnings. 25331
1758.0 2150-... 27/11 DNK Lyngby R, Frederikshavn. Wx rpt, navig. warnings?           15341
1767.0 1936-1938* 06/12 E Cabo de La Nao R, San José. Navig. warnings, s/off ann. 35343
1767.0 1916-... 11/12 E Cabo de La Nao R, San José. E, gale warnings.          35343
1767.0 1939-... 17/11 E Cabo de La Nao R, San José. Cast/E, navig. warnings.         35443
1770.0 1913-... 12/12 G Shetland Coastguard, Collafirth, Alba. Wx rpt, navig. warnings? 15341
1782.0 2239-... 01/12 NOR Florø R, Ørlandet. Wx rpt. 25342
1782.0 2239-... 09/12 NOR Florø R, Ørlandet. Gale &  navig. warnings (p).    35342
1782.0 2316-... 11/11 NOR Florø R, Ørlandet. E/Nor, wx rpt or gale warnings. 25331
1782.0 2240-2242* 14/11 NOR Florø R, Ørlandet. Wx rpt, navig. warnings.          25342
1782.0 1836-... 17/11 NOR Florø R, Ørlandet. E/Nor, wx rpt, navig. warnings.        35343
1785.0 2241-... 01/12 NOR Rogaland R, Farsund. Wx rpt. 25342
1785.0 2241-... 09/12 NOR Rogaland R, Farsund. Gale &  navig. warnings (p).    35342
1785.0 2241-2242* 14/11 NOR Rogaland R, Farsund. Wx rpt, navig. warnings.          35343
1785.0 1835-... 17/11 NOR Rogaland R, Farsund. E/Nor, wx rpt, navig. warnings.        25342
1852.0 1721-... 18/11 I Palermo R, Baia del Corallo. Navig. /gale warnings? 15341
1876.0 2204-... 05/12 I Lampedusa R, Lampedusa. Wx rpt, navig. warnings? Vy. faint. 15341
1888.0 2204-... 10/11 I Civitavecchia R, Civitavecchia. Navig. warnings. 25331
1888.0 1947-... 12/11 I Civitavecchia R. E, wx rpt. 15341
1888.0 1719-... 18/11 I Civitavecchia R, Civitavecchia. Ita/E, gale warnings.        35342
1925.0 2236-... 07/12 I Livorno R, Castellaccio (Livorno). Wx rpt, navig. warnings? Vy. faint. 15341
1925.0 2202-... 10/11 I Livorno R, Castellaccio (Livorno). Wx rpt, navig. warnings?  Vy. faint.   15341
1925.0 1901-... 11/12 I Livorno R. Navig. warnings.          25331
1925.0 2230-... 11/12 I Livorno R. Navig. warnings.           25341
1925.0 2146-... 14/11 I Livorno R. Navig. warnings.        25341
1925.0 1718-... 18/11 I Livorno R, Castellaccio (Livorno). Ita/E, gale warnings.        35342
2579.0 2242-... 04/12 I Bari R, Bari. Navig. warnings. Adj. uty. QRM. 23341
2579.0 2144-... 14/11 I Bari R, Bari. Navig. warnings. 35342
2579.0 1714-... 18/11 I Bari R, Bari. Navig. warnings. Uty. QRM.      32341
2600.0 1945-... 02/12 I Mazara R, Mazara del Vallo. Wx rpt? Adj. uty. QRM. 23341
2600.0 2155-... 08/12 I Mazara R, Mazara del Vallo. Navig. warnings? Adj. uty. QRM.           22341
2614.0 1914-... 15/11 I Trieste R. Navig. warnings.         25341
2624.0 1957-... 01/12 I Trieste R, Monte Radio (Trieste). Wx rpt? Uty. QRM. 23341
2624.0 2153-... 08/12 I Trieste R, Monte Radio (Trieste). E/Ita, navig. warnings. Adj. uty. QRM.           23341
2624.0 1925-... 09/12 I Trieste R. Navig. warnings. 23341
2624.0 2228-... 11/12 I Trieste R. Navig. warnings. Uty. QRM. 23341
2624.0 2148-... 14/11 I Trieste R, Monte Radio (Trieste). Navig. warnings.         23341
2624.0 1914-... 15/11 I Trieste R, Monte Radio (Trieste). Navig. warnings.   *** Typed wrong fq. of 2614 in the 9-15 Nov rpt. ***  25341
2624.0 1713-... 18/11 I Trieste R, Monte Radio (Trieste). E/Ita, navig. warnings.         35343
2628.0 1943-... 02/12 I Augusta R, Augusta. Wx rpt. 25341
2628.0 2236-... 04/12 I Augusta R. Navig. warnings. 25342
2628.0 1716-... 18/11 I Augusta R, Augusta. Navig. warnings.         35443
2632.0 2237-... 04/12 I Napoli R, Napoli. Navig. warnings. 25341
2632.0 1940-... 08/12 I Napoli R, Napoli. E, wx rpt?           15341
2632.0 2150-... 17/11 I Napoli R, Napoli. Navig. warnings.             25341
2642.0 2239-... 04/12 I Genova R, Forte Castellaccio (Genova). E/Ita, navig. warnings. 15341
2642.0 1923-... 09/12 I Genova R, Forte Castellaccio (Genova). Navig. warnings.            25341
2642.0 2222-... 11/12 I Genova R. Navig. warnings.           25341
2642.0 2226-... 11/12 I Genova R. Navig. warnings.           15341
2642.0 1946-... 12/11 I Genova R, Forte Castellaccio (Genova). Wx rpt? 15331
2642.0 2233-... 16/11 I Genova R, Forte Castellaccio (Genova). Navig. warnings.           35342
2642.0 1711-... 18/11 I Genova R. Navig. warnings.      35342
2656.0 1945-... 01/12 I Ancona R, Ancona. E, wx rpt. 25342
2656.0 2219-... 03/12 I Ancona R. Navig. warnings. 25341
2656.0 1921-... 09/12 I Ancona R, Ancona. E/Ita, navig. warnings.      25342
2656.0 2220-... 11/12 I Ancona R. Navig. warnings. 35342
2656.0 2150-... 14/11 I Ancona R, Ancona. Navig. warnings. 35342
2656.0 1912-... 15/11 I Ancona R. Navig. warnings. 25341
2656.0 1710-... 18/11 I Ancona R, Ancona. Navig. warnings.        25342
2663.0 1942-... 01/12 I Crotone R, Crotone. Wx rpt. 25341
2663.0 2234-... 04/12 I Crotone R. Navig. warnings. 25341
2663.0 1941-... 12/11 I Crotone R, Crotone. E/Ita, wx rpt. 25331
2663.0 1705-... 18/11 I Crotone R, Crotone. Navig. warnings.       35342
2677.0 *1906-1907* 04/12 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste.-Marguerite. Wx rpt. Previously on 1696. 25342
2677.0 *1937-... 13/12 F CROSS Corsen, Pointe de Corsen. Wx rpt. Previously on 1650. 35343
2677.0 *2205-... 17/11 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste.-Marguerite. Wx rpt. Previously on 1696. Adj. uty. QRM.        34342
2680.0 1944-... 01/12 I Cagliari R, Quartu Sant'Elena. E/Ita, wx rpt. Uty. QRM. 24341
2680.0 1903-... 11/12 I Cagliari R, Quartu Sant'Elena. Navig. warnings.          25342
2680.0 2224-... 11/12 I Cagliari R. Navig. warnings. Uty. QRM. 32341
2680.0 1945-... 12/11 I Cagliari R, Quartu Sant'Elena. E/Ita, wx rpt.          25331
2680.0 2231-... 16/11 I Cagliari R, Quartu Sant'Elena. Navig. warnings. Adj. uty. QRM.          34342
2680.0 1708-... 18/11 I Cagliari R. Navig. warnings.      35343
2719.0 1943-... 01/12 I Porto Torres R, Porto Torres. Wx rpt. 25341
2719.0 2217-... 03/12 I Porto Torres R. E/Ita, navig. warnings. 25341
2719.0 1917-... 09/12 I Porto Torres R, Porto Torres. E, wx rpt.          35342
2719.0 1944-... 12/11 I Porto Torres R, Porto Torres. Wx rpt.        25331
2719.0 2257-... 13/11 I Porto Torres R. Navig. warnings. 35342
2719.0 1706-... 18/11 I Porto Torres R, Porto Torres. Navig. warnings.       35342
2730.0 2138-... 06/12 GRC Limnos R, Limnos. Wx rpt, navig. warnings? 15341
2789.0 2157-... 08/12 I Messina R, Messina. E, navig. warnings. Adj. uty. QRM.           23341
2789.0 1919-... 09/12 I Messina R. Wx rpt. Adj. uty. QRM. 23341
2789.0 1707-... 18/11 I Messina R, Messina. E, navig. warnings? Uty. QRM.      23341
2799.0 1935-... 01/12 GRC Iráklion Kritis R, Iráklion. Wx rpt, navig. warnings? 25341
2799.0 1915-... 09/12 GRC Iráklion Kritis R, Iráklion. Wx rpt, navig. warnings?       35342
2799.0 1943-... 12/11 GRC Iráklion Kritis R, Iráklion. E, navig. warnings.              25331
2965.0 1912-1914* 09/12 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. // 6676 rtd. 35443. Rtd. 25341 on 11/12, *1910. 15341
2965.0 2142-2144* 12/11 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 15341
2965.0 1717-1719* 13/12 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. Met rpt. // 6676 rtd. 25342 25341
2965.0 1843-1844* 19/11 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 15341
  3310.0 2243-2253 12/12 BOL R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba. Quechua, Indian songs, tks. 35342
  3310.0 2233-2243 18/11 BOL R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba. Quechua, tks, songs. Occ. adj. uty. QRM. 35332
  3480.0 2210-2220 04/12 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks. 15341
  3480.0 2205-2215 10/12 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks. Never hrd. this fq. so strong & clear.        45433
  3485.0 2224-... 04/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt. 25342
  3485.0 *2220-... 10/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. ID, met rpt.         35342
  3485.0 2157-2159* 16/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt, s/off ann.          35332
  3485.0 *2250-... 24/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. ID, met rpt.        25342
  3900.0 2251-2258 02/12 CHN Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar. Mand, tks. 25341
  3900.0 2213-2223 19/11 CHN Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar. Mand (p), tks. 15341
  3910.0 2207-2217 10/12 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks. Jammed. // 3930 better. 34432
  3910.0 2215-2225 26/11 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks. Jammed.       24432
  3930.0 2212-2222 04/12 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks. 25341
  3930.0 2217-2227 26/11 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks. Jammed.       34432
  3955.0 2254-2304 02/12 D Channel 292, Rohrdorf. Pops. 35443
  3955.0 2200-2210 16/11 D Channel 292, Rohrdorf. E, TC, oldies, tks, pops.        45343
  3975.0 1834-1844 09/12 D Shortwave Gold, Winsen. E, pop oldies, tks. 45433
  3975.0 1928-1938 30/11 D Weekend Music R via Shortwave Gold, Winsen. E, pops, tks.         25341
  3985.0 2206-2216 05/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Gyengi-do. Kor to KRE, tks. 35443
  3985.0 2201-2211 10/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Gyengi-do. Kor to KRE, nx (p). Jammed.      44433
  3985.0 1836-1846 09/12 D R.Slovakia via Shortwave Sce., Kall-Krekel. E, infos. on Slovakia. 45433
  3990.0 1734-1744 16/11 CHN Xingjiang PBS, Urumqi. Uighur, tks, phone-ins. A bit better on // 4980. 35343
  3990.0 2249-2259 01/12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi. Uighur, tks, mx. 25341
  3990.0 1753-1802 10/12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi. Uighur, tks, mx, TS, TC (p), tks.           35342
  3995.0 1945-1955 13/12 D HCJB, Weenermoor. G, rlgs. propag. 35342
  3995.0 2219-2229 26/11 D HCJB, Weenermoor. G, tks. 25342
  4375.0 1822-... 07/12 AFS ZSC Kaapstad R. Ocean wx. Vy. faint. 15341
  4375.0 1831-... 18/11 AFS ZSC Kaapstad R. Navig. warnings. 25341
  4405.0 1836-... 04/12 TUR TAH İstanbul R. E, ocean wx. // 13128 unusually poor, // 8812 fair. 25342
  4405.0 1804-... 18/11 TUR TAH İstanbul R. Ocean wx. // 13128 unusually poor. 35343
  4450.0 2213-2223 05/12 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks, mx. CODAR QRM. 34342
  4560.0 2208-2218 05/12 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks, mx.   35443
  4560.0 2203-2213 10/12 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks. Occ. adj. SSB QRM.         45433
  4755.0 2138-2151 16/11 INS Voice Of Indonesia, Cimanggis. E, tks, songs. 25341
  4775.0 2249-2259 11/12 PRU R.Tarma, Tarma. Cast, px hosted by a curandero, a healer. 35332
  4845.0 2128-... 24/11 HOL R.Akenzo (p) - pir. Dutch pops. 35343
  4850.0 2224-... 24/11 HOL R.Akenzo - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks, mx. Ex-4845? 45433
  4870.0 2230-... 24/11 D Mystery R 21 - pir. E, pops, e-mail addr. anns. 45433
  4875.0 2242-... 20/11 D Mystery R 21 (p) - pir. Pops. Adj. uty. QRM. 34342
  4885.0 2213-2223 06/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Nowong-gu. Kor to KRE, pops, tks. Jammed. 44332
  4885.0 1842-1852 10/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Nowong-gu. Kor to KRE, pops, tks. Jammed.          34342
  4885.0 2241-2251 12/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope. Kor to KRE, pops, tks. Jammed. 44443
  4895.0 2218-... 29/11 D Mystery R 21 (p) - pir. Pops. 35443
  4940.0 2246-2256 11/12 CLM Estación 4940, Arauca. Tks, songs. 25331
  4940.0 2236-2246 18/11 CLM Estación 4940, Arauca. Vn, tks, some words in Cast, Colombian mx. 35343
  4940.0 2157-2107 25/11 CLM Estación 4940, Arauca. Tks, seemingly in Cast, mx.         15431
  4945.0 2258-... 09/12 D Mystery R 21 - pir. Songs, stn. sl. Mystery 21 - Your Favourite Station, 45433
  4947.0 1926-... 05/12 D Moonair R - pir. Pops, tks. ID via DX press. 25331
  4950.0 1852-... 04/12 D Hit FM (site?) via Mystery R 21 - pir. Pops. Improving. ID via DX press. 35342
  4950.0 2233-... 08/12 D Mystery R 21 - pir. Pops, some thereof in G. 45433
  4950.0 1753-... 09/12 D Mystery R 21 - pir. Pops. 45433
  4985.0 2150-2200 10/12 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Folk mx px Brasil Sertanejo.  Uty. QRM. 43442
  4985.0 2151-2201 15/11 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Folk songs px Brasil Sertanejo, sung fqs. ann., more songs. // 11815.034 rtd. 55444. 45343
  5033.0 2150-... 06/12 HOL R.Deltracks (p) - pir. Du, pops, tks. 25341
  5035.0 1828-... 07/12 HOL R.Deltracks - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 25341
  5040.0 2250-... 18/11 HOL R.Deltracks (p) - pir. Pops. 35332
  5040.0 1847-... 22/11 HOL R.Deltracks (p) - pir. Pops. 15341
  5778.0 1843-... 06/12 GRC ? R.Mystery (?) - pir. Pops. 25341
  5780.0 1924-1943* 28/11 GRC ? R.Mystery - pir. Pops. 35443
  5780.0 1703-... 16/11 GRC ? R.Mystery (?) - pir. Pops. DF suggests GRC. 45343
  5780.0 1703-... 17/11 GRC ? R.Mystery (?) - pir. Pops. 55444
  5795.0 1751-... 10/12 HOL R.Akenzo - pir. Du, pops, tks. Gone shortly prior to 1800. 45444
  5800.0 1905-... 24/11 HOL R.Akenzo - pir. Du/E, songs, tks. 45433
  5800.0 1836-... 16/11 HOL R.Akenzo (?) - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks, pops. 45444
  5800.0 1705-... 16/11 HOL R.Akenzo (p) - pir. Pops. Closed prior to 1800. 35343
  5800.0 1723-... 01/12 HOL R.Conti-Kenzo - pir. Du, tks, pop oldies. 35443
  5800.0 1623-... 08/12 HOL R.Conti-Kenzo - pir. Du, pops, songs in G, tks, polkas, Dutch songs. 35433
  5800.0 1533-... 24/11 HOL R.Conti-Kenzo (t) - pir. Pops. T-ID via DX press. 15441
  5805.0 1708-... 23/11 HOL Golden Oldies R (HOL stn) via UnID - pir. Du, songs. Improving, rtd. 45433 prior to 1900. 35443
  5809.9 1918-... 29/11 IRL R.Blue Moon - pir. E, pops, ID as On S.Wave from Ireland, this is Blue Moon R. 25342
  5825.0 1748-1750* 16/11 ? Golden Oldies R via UnID - pir. Songs. Previously on 5830. QSY 5840 at 1750. 45444
  5830.0 1707-... 16/11 ? Golden Oldies R via UnID - pir. Songs, sung IDs. Relay detail via DX press. Later on 5825 & 5840. 45343
  5830.0 1602-... 10/12 GRC ? R.Mystery - pir. Pop mx. ID via DX press. 25432
  5830.0 1721-... 11/12 GRC ? R.Mystery - pir. Pops, the usual IDs in E. 35443
  5830.0 1536-... 13/12 GRC ? R.Mystery - pir. Pop mx.   35342
  5835.2 1757-... 09/12 UKR R.Evropa (p) - pir. Ukr. pops. 45433
  5840.0 1535-... 24/11 HOL Golden Oldies R (HOL stn) via UnID - pir. Du, songs, tks. 25441
  5840.0 *1750-... 16/11 ? Golden Oldies R via UnID - pir. Songs. Ex-5825. 45444
  5840.0 1725-... 01/12 HOL R.Joey (p) - pir. Pops. 25341
  5850.0 1704-... 07/12 HOL R.Joey - pir. Pop mx. ID via DX press. 25331
  5880.0 1734-... 01/12 HOL R.Rock Revolution - pir. Pops. 35443
  5880.0 1709-... 16/11 HOL R.Rock Revolution - pir. Pops. 45343
  5930.0 2304-2314 01/12 DNK World Music R, Bramming. Mx & songs. 35332
  5930.0 2302-2312 09/12 DNK World Music R, Bramming. Mx & songs. Adj. QRM. 44332
  5930.0 1534-1544 13/12 DNK World Music R. Mx & songs. 25331
  5937.7 2133-2143 13/12 B R.Voz Missionária Rlgs. propag. & songs. 45433
  5939.7 1947-1957 11/12 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Rlgs. propag.  // 11750.000, 9665.000.       35432
  5939.7 1947-1957 13/12 B R.Voz Missionária. Rlgs. propag. 25341
  5939.8 2249-2259 03/12 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. // 9665.015, 11739.878. 35433
  5995.0 1740-1750 06/12 KOR R.Echo of Hope (cland.), Gyengi-do. Kor to KRE, pops, tks. Jammed. 24341
  5995.0 1556-1606 10/12 KOR R.Echo of Hope (cland.), Gyengi-do. Kor to KRE, songs, tks, mx (p) at 1600.            35332
  5995.0 1725-1735 19/11 KOR R.Echo of Hope (cland.), Gyengi-do. Kor to KRE, mx, tks.            35332
  6010.0 2315-2315 09/12 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Songs. Meas. 6009.955. Adj. QRM de 6010.032. 34432
  6010.0 2209-2219 16/11 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. F/ball match rpt. Meas. 6009.993. QRM de CHN (p) on 6010.033. Inaudible on // 15190v. 34342
  6010.0 2218-2228 19/11 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. Meas. 6009.985. QRM de 6010.030 (CHN?).   44433
  6185.0 1709-1719 07/12 HOL R.Experience (*) via R.Piepzender, Zwolle. Pops. *) Dutch MF stn on 1008. ID via DX press. 25432
  6205.0 1730-... 01/12 G Laser Hot Hits - pir. E, tks, pops. 35342
  6205.0 1913-... 29/11 G Laser Hot Hits - pir. E, pops, tks. 35443
  6210.0 1707-... 07/12 HOL R.King Short Wave (p) - pir. Pops. 25331
  6210.0 1648-... 23/11 HOL R.King Short Wave (p) - pir. Pops. 25342
  6230.0 2146-2156 23/11 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. 15341
  6230.0 1849-... 01/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. 25341
  6230.0 1740-... 07/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings.         25341
  6230.0 1649-... 15/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. Vy. faint.         15341
  6230.0 1945-... 16/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings.         25331
  6230.0 2141-2146* 23/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings, s/off ann. QRM de TWN on 6229.978.          34342
  6230.0 2146-2148* 04/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings, s/off ann. 25341
  6230.0 1635-... 08/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.         25341
  6230.0 1548-... 13/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.         25341
  6230.0 1736-... 17/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.         25341
  6235.0 1906-... 17/11 HOL R.Batavia - pir. Du, pops, tks, web page ann., pop oldies. Deteriorating. Occ. uty. QRM. 45444
  6250.0 1918-1928 01/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Hwaseong. Kor to KRE, tks, mx. Adj. uty. QRM. 44342
  6250.0 1604-... 10/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Hwaseong. Kor to KRE, nx (p).        35342
  6250.0 1553-1603 24/11 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Hwaseong. Kor to KRE, songs, anns., nx (p).         25431
  6250.0 1701-1711 15/11 KOR R.Echo Of Hope. Kor to KRE, nx (p). // 7720 rtd. 45343. 25341
  6250.0 1901-1911 24/11 KOR R.Echo Of Hope. Kor to KRE, nx (p). Adj. uty. QRM.   44343
  6278.8 1639-... 23/11 HOL R.Delta - pir. Mx. Uty. QRM. ID via DX press. 14341
  6279.8 1838-1848 09/12 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. Meas. 6279.815. Uty. QRM. 22441
  6280.0 1538-... 13/12 HOL R.Black Bandit - pir. Oldies, pops, c&w. ID via DX press. 35443
  6290.0 1714-... 07/12 HOL R.Monique - pir. Du/E, pop oldies. 45433
  6292.0 1705-... 17/11 HOL R.Black Bandit - pir. Du, c&w, songs, tks. 45444
  6295.0 1848-... 16/11 G Laser Hot Hits - pir. E, pops, tks. 45444
  6295.0 1823-... 07/12 HOL R.Black Bandit - pir. Du/E, Irish songs, tks. Previously on 6300. 45444
  6295.0 1906-... 29/11 IRL R.Cuckoo - pir. E, pops. 35443
  6295.0 1552-... 13/12 HOL R.Ronalisa - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 25342
  6299.6 1642-... 24/11 FIN R.Sombrero - pir. Mx. ID via DX press. 15341
  6300.0 1712-... 07/12 HOL R.Black Bandit - pir. Du/E, songs, tks abt. the power (300 W), pops, c&w, Dutch mx. Later on 6295. 45433
  6300.0 1840-... 01/12 HOL R.Conti-Kenzo - pir. Pops. // 5800.016. 45433
  6304.0 1706-1709* 13/12 HOL R.Boomerang (t) - pir. Songs. QSY 6305.052 at 1709. T-ID via DX press. 45444
  6305.1 *1709-... 13/12 HOL R.Boomerang (t) - pir. Songs. Ex-6304. 45444
  6305.1 2144-2147* 15/11 HOL R.Markies - pir. Du, pops. 45343
  6305.1 2209-... 15/11 HOL R.Markies - pir. Du, Dutch mx, testing, tks, QSO w/ R.Delta on 6319.7. 45343
  6308.0 2217-... 15/11 HOL R.Markies - pir. Du, QSO w/ R.Delta on 6319.7, more Dutch mx. Drifting from 6305.1 45343
  6309.9 1854-... 04/12 HOL R.Markies (p) - pir. E, oldies. 35332
  6319.7 2148-... 15/11 HOL R.Delta - pir. Du, pops, tks. Found in QSO w/ R.Markies on 6305.1, then 6307.954. 35343
  6324.7 1929-... 04/12 HOL R.Markies - pir. E, Balkan (?) mx, ID, e-mail addr. ann., song from Nor or Swe. 35342
  6325.0 1724-... 10/12 HOL R.Black Bandit - pir. Du/E, songs, tks.  45433
  6325.0 1837-... 15/11 HOL R.Zomerzon - pir. Du, pops. 35343
  6325.0 1644-... 23/11 ? Weekend Music R via UnID - pir. E, old recording, tks, pops. Rtd. 35332 at 1900. 25341
  6325.1 1718-... 07/12 ? Weekend Music R via UnID - pir. E, pops, tks. 35332
  6325.1 1612-... 08/12 ? Weekend Music R via UnID - pir. E, tks, pops. Improving, rtd. 35443 at 1730. 25341
  6325.1 1540-... 24/11 ? Weekend Music R via UnID - pir. E, tks, pops. ID by operator's voice. 15441
  6325.2 1732-... 01/12 ? Weekend Music R via Kiss AM - pir. E, old recordings, pops. Relay info. via DX press. 35342
  6325.2 1836-... 24/11 ? Weekend Music R via UnID - pir. E, old recordings of R.London, R.Nova, tks, pops. 35432
  6325.3 1925-... 30/11 ? Weekend Music R via UnID - pir. E, tks, pops. 35443
  6340.2 2223-2233 29/11 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. Adj. uty. QRM. Meas. 6340.184.           24342
  6350.1 2149-2159 04/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Hwaseong. Kor to KRE, tks. Occ. covered by strg. uty. QRM. 25342
  6350.1 1720-1730 07/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Hwaseong. Kor to KRE, tks.             35332
  6350.1 2236-2246 24/11 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Hwaseong. Kor to KRE, pops, tks. Occ. uty. QRM. 25442
  6370.0 1907-1917 06/12 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. Meas. 6369.986. 25331
  6370.0 1939-1849 11/12 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. Meas. 6369.984.        15341
  6370.0 2229-2239 29/11 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. Occ. adj. uty. QRM. Meas. 6370.000.           25342
  6395.0 1729-... 10/12 HOL R.Black Power - pir. Du, pops, tks. 45444
  6501.0 2325-... 01/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R, VA. Ocean wx. 45343
  6501.0 2214-... 07/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R, VA. Ocean wx. 25342
  6501.0 2324-... 22/11 USA NMN Chesapeake R, VA. Ocean wx. 35343
  6501.0 2214-... 13/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R. Ocean wx.             35433
  6507.0 1743-... 07/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings.        15341
  6507.0 1651-1653* 15/11 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings. Vy. faint.         15341
  6507.0 1947-... 16/11 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings.         33341
  6507.0 1637-... 08/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. 15341
  6507.0 1550-... 13/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.         15341
  6507.0 1734-... 17/11 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. Via west path. 25342
  6507.0 1851-... 01/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings. 15341
  6520.0 1919-1929 02/12 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks, seemingly a radioplay. Jammed. 43432
  6600.0 1921-1931 02/12 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks, seemingly a radioplay. Jammed. 33432
  6604.0 2222-... 10/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt. 35332
  6604.0 1022-... 16/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt.        25341
  6604.0 1023-1029* 13/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann.          35443
  6604.0 *1120-... 13/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. ID, met rpt. 15341
  6604.0 1554-... 13/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt. 15341
  6604.0 1658-1659* 15/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann.        15341
  6604.0 1756-... 18/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt.        35342
  6676.0 1853-1854* 01/12 SNG 9VA-40 Singapore Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 15341
  6676.0 *1720-1724* 13/12 SNG 9VA-40 Singapore Volmet. ID, met rpt, s/off ann. 35342
  6676.0 1852-1854* 15/11 SNG 9VA-40 Singapore Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 35342
  6676.0 1723-172 19/11 SNG 9VA-40 Singapore Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 15341
  6676.0 *1750-... 23/11 SNG 9VA-40 Singapore Volmet. ID, met rpt. QRM de Karachi Volmet until 1751. 25341
  6676.0 2247-2250* 03/12 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. Met rpt. 15341
  6676.0 1846-... 04/12 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. Met rpt. 15341
  6676.0 *1716-... 06/12 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. Met rpt. 15341
  6676.0 1718-... 13/12 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. Met rpt. // 2965 rtd. 25341 25342
  6676.0 *2246-2249* 19/11 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. ID, met rpt. 25342
  6676.0 *1746-... 23/11 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. ID, met rpt. 15341
  6676.0 *2247-2250* 24/11 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. ID, met rpt. 25341
  6676.0 1917-1920* 28/11 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  6676.0 *2345-... 29/11 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. ID, met rpt. 25341
  6676.0 *1856-... 01/12 IND AWB Bombay Volmet. Met rpt. Vy. faint. 15341
  6676.0 2256-2301* 05/12 IND AWB Bombay Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  6676.0 2256-2301* 11/12 IND AWB Bombay Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  6676.0 1726-... 12/12 IND AWB Bombay Volmet. Met rpt. 15341
  6676.0 1926-1929* 16/11 IND AWB Bombay Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 25341
  6676.0 *2155-... 16/11 IND AWB Bombay Volmet. ID, met rpt.  25341
  6676.0 1857-1900* 24/11 IND AWB Bombay Volmet. Met rpt.      15341
  6676.0 2206-... 16/11 IND AWC Kolkata Volmet (?). Met rpt. 15341
  6676.0 *1910-... 01/12 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. ID, met rpt.    35342
  6676.0 *2310-... 05/12 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. ID, met rpt. Inaudible on // 11387. 35342
  6676.0 1713-1715* 06/12 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 25341
  6676.0 *1910-... 09/12 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. ID, met rpt. // 2965 rtd. 15341. 35443
  6676.0 *1710-... 19/11 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. ID, met rpt, s/off ann.     35343
  6676.0 2243-2244* 19/11 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 35343
  6676.0 1741-1744* 23/11 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 35343
  6676.0 2343-2344* 29/11 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 25342
  6676.0 *1800-... 09/12 AUS VKA-930Australian Volmet, Alice Springs NT (?) Met rpt. 15341
  6676.0 1901-... 15/11 AUS VKA-930Australian Volmet, Alice Springs NT (?) Met rpt. Vy. faint. 15341
  6676.0 1902-... 23/11 AUS VKA-930Australian Volmet, Alice Springs NT (?) Met rpt. Vy. faint.          15341
  6676.0 2137-2140* 15/11 PAK AWC Kolkata Volmet (?). Met rpt. Vy. faint. Scheduled 0305-1240. 15341
  6676.0 2137-2140* 15/11 IND AWC Kolkata Volmet (?). Met rpt. Vy. faint. Scheduled 0305-1240.  *** Wrong country name in the prev. rpt. *** 15341
  6679.0 1916-... 04/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  6679.0 *1845-... 12/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. ID, met rpt. 15341
  6679.0 *1715-... 13/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. ID, met rpt. 15441
  6679.0 1921-... 17/11 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  6679.0 *1715-... 19/11 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. Vy. faint. 15341
  6679.0 2318-... 22/11 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 15341
  6679.0 1553-1554* 10/12 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 25341
  6679.0 1723-1725* 17/11 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 25342
  6754.0 2323-... 01/12 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet, ON. Met rpt. 35343
  6754.0 *2310-... 13/12 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet, ON. ID, met rpt. 45343
  6754.0 2312-... 23/11 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet, ON. Met rpt.         35343
  6765.1 1916-... 01/12 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Ocean wx. Uty. QRM. 33441
  6765.1 1903-... 10/12 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Ocean wx. Uty. QRM. 43442
  6765.1 2204-... 22/11 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Ocean wx, music box IS at 2206, E at 2208. Uty. QRM. 32441
  6870.0 1615-... 08/12 I R.Europe (p) - pir. Ita, pops, tks. 15341
  6875.1 1702-... 23/11 I R.Europe - pir. Ita/E, tks, pops. Improving, rtd. 35342 at 1900. 25341
  6900.0 2227-2237 29/11 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. Meas. 6900.046. 25342
  6931.1 1729-... 11/12 E Indyradio (E stn) via UnID - pir. Songs. 45444
  6931.1 1712-... 17/11 E Indyradio (E stn) via UnID - pir. Spanish pops. 45444
  6935.0 1917-... 02/12 ? Energy FM (IRL stn) via UnID - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 35433
  6935.0 1619-... 08/12 G ? R.Argus (p) - pir. E, pops, tks. 35332
  6935.0 1710-... 17/11 G ? R.Argus (t) - pir. Pops. T-ID via DX press. 25341
  6935.0 1546-... 24/11 IRL Trance Pulse Dublin (IRL stn) via UnID - pir. E, pop mx, tks. ID via DX press. 25441
  6935.0 1843-... 24/11 ? Trance Pulse Dublin (IRL stn) via UnID (p) - pir. Pops. 45433
  6970.1 1840-1850 09/12 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. Meas. 6970.112. Occ. uty. QRM. 25442
  7390.0 1321-1331 11/12 NZL R.NZ Pacific, Rangitaiki. E, tks. 15331
  7720.0 1559-1609 01/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Hwaseong (?) . Kor to KRE, songs, ann., jingle, nx (p). 34342
  7720.0 1841-1852 09/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Hwaseong (?) . Kor to KRE, songs, tks.        45433
  7720.0 1619-1629 15/11 KOR R.Echo Of Hope . Kor to KRE, songs, tks. Improving.         35343
  7720.0 1323-1333 11/12 KOR R.Echo Of Hope. Kor to KRE, tks. 15341
  7750.2 1849-1859 09/12 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks,Chinese songs. Meas. 7750.183 25331
  7906.0 2337-... 29/11 VTN XVA Ca Mau R. Ocean wx. 15341
  7906.0 2252-... 05/12 VTN XVD Hue R. Ocean wx. 25341
  7906.0 2256-... 12/12 VTN XVD Hue R. Ocean wx. Occ. uty. QRM. 15341
  7906.0 *2250-2300* 15/11 VTN XVD Hue R. Ocean wx. 25341
  7906.0 *2235-... 19/11 VTN XVI Quy Nhon R. Ocean wx. 25341
  7906.0 *2235-... 26/11 VTN XVI Quy Nhon R. Ocean wx. 15341
  7906.0 2221-... 05/12 VTN XVK Kien Giang R. Ocean wx. 15341
  7906.0 2226-... 13/12 VTN XVK Kien Giang R. Ocean wx. 15341
  7906.0 2356-... 30/11 VTN XVN Nha Trang R. Ocean wx. 25341
  7906.0 2312-2315* 03/12 VTN XVQ Hon Gai R. Ocean wx. 25342
  7906.0 2321-... 22/11 VTN XVY Phu Yen R. Ocean wx. 15341
  8113.0 1541-... 01/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. 15341
  8113.0 1631-... 08/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings.          35342
  8113.0 1645-... 15/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings.         25341
  8113.0 1941-... 16/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings.         25331
  8113.0 1847-... 01/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. 25342
  8113.0 1037-... 10/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.          25341
  8113.0 1544-... 13/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.          25342
  8113.0 *1730-... 17/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. Occ. telegr. QRM.    25341
  8176.0 1848-... 01/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings. 25341
  8176.0 1633-... 08/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings.          25341
  8176.0 1943-... 16/11 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings.         25342
  8176.0 1039-... 10/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.         15341
  8176.0 1546-... 13/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. Uty. QRM. 14341
  8176.0 1647-... 15/11 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. Vy. faint.     15341
  8176.0 1732-... 17/11 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. Via west path. 25342
  8297.0 1010-... 19/11 NZL ZLM Taupo Maritime R, Taupo. Ocean wx.        25341
  8502.0 2216-... 07/12 USA NMG New Orleans R, GA. Ocean wx. 25331
  8502.0 2212-... 13/12 USA NMG New Orleans R. Ocean wx.          35443
  8740.0 1820-... 07/12 AFS ZSC Kaapstad R. Ocean wx. 25341
  8740.0 1826-... 18/11 AFS ZSC Kaapstad R. Ocean wx, navig. warnings. 35343
  8743.0 1914-... 01/12 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Ocean wx. 35342
  8743.0 1858-... 10/12 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Mx box ID, fqs. ann., ocean wx. Adj. SSB QRM. 34342
  8743.0 2209-2215 10/12 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. E, ocean wx, mx box IS 2212-2214, Thai, fqs. ann., ocean wx. 34342
  8743.0 1031-... 13/12 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Mx box ID, fqs. ann., ocean wx. 25341
  8743.0 0929-... 16/11 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Music box IS, fqs. ann., ocean wx. 35342
  8743.0 1011-... 16/11 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Music box IS, fqs. ann. (p), ocean wx. 15341
  8743.0 1936-... 22/11 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Music box IS, E, fqs. & sched. ann., ocean wx. 35343
  8743.0 2202-... 22/11 THA HSW Bangkok Meteorological R. Ocean wx, music box IS at 2206, E at 2208. 25342
  8764.0 2326-... 01/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R, VA. Ocean wx. 35343
  8764.0 1129-... 13/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R, VA. Ocean wx.             15341
  8764.0 0937-... 29/11 USA NMN Chesapeake R, VA. Ocean wx.             25341
  8764.0 2208-... 04/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R. Ocean wx. 35332
  8764.0 2210-... 13/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R. Ocean wx.             45444
  8812.0 1838-1843* 04/12 TUR TAH İstanbul R. E, ocean wx. // 13128 unusually poor, // 4405 poor to fair. 35443
  8812.0 1020-... 11/12 TUR TAH İstanbul R. E, ocean wx. 25341
  8812.0 1818-... 18/11 TUR TAH İstanbul R. E, ocean wx. // 13128 unusually poor. 35343
  8812.0 1011-... 20/11 TUR TAH İstanbul R. Ocean wx. Vy. faint. 15341
  8828.0 1912-... 02/12 J JIA Tokyo Volmet. Met rpt. Vy. faint. 15341
  8828.0 2212-... 07/12 J JIA Tokyo Volmet. Met rpt. Vy. faint. 15341
  8828.0 2242-... 19/11 J JIA Tokyo Volmet. Met rpt. Vy. faint. 15341
  8828.0 1548-1549* 01/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  8828.0 1917-... 04/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  8828.0 1717-1720* 06/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. 15341
  8828.0 1717-... 13/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  8828.0 1922-... 17/11 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 25331
  8828.0 1716-... 19/11 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  8828.0 2316-... 22/11 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 25342
  8828.0 *1550-... 01/12 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 15341
  8828.0 1723-1725* 06/12 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  8828.0 1552-... 10/12 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  8828.0 1721-... 17/11 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 25342
  8828.0 1752-... 23/11 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
  9119.8 2151-2200 04/12 TWN Sound of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. Meas. 9119.847. 15341
  9635.0 1325-1335 11/12 MLI R.Mali, Kati. Vn, tks. 35443
  9635.0 1212-1222 15/11 MLI R.Mali, Kati. Vn, tribal songs. 35342
  9665.0 2251-2301 03/12 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. // 5939.762, 11739.878. 44433
  9665.0 1943-1953 11/12 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Rlgs. propag.   // 11750.00, 5939.726.      35443
  9670.0 1215-1225 15/11 D Channel 292, Rohrbach Waal. Pops. 35343
  9670.0 1045-1055 10/12 D Channel 292, Rohrdorf. E, songs, e-mail addr. anns. Still rtd. 35433 at 1300. 35433
  9818.6 1941-1951 11/12 B R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP. Songs, tks, px Curiosidades. Weak audio. 25342
7405.0 1531-1541 24/11 HOL R.Piepzender, Zwolle. Du/E, pops. 35443
10051.0 1554-... 01/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt. 15341
10051.0 1123-... 13/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt.           35443
10051.0 1024-... 16/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt.        35343
10051.0 *1520-... 13/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. ID, met rpt. 35342
10051.0 *2220-... 13/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. ID, met rpt. // 3485 fair, 6604 vy. good. 35343
10051.0 1654-... 15/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt. Uty. QRM.    24342
10051.0 1223-... 17/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt.        35342
10051.0 1757-... 18/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt.        35443
11149.9 1603-1613 01/12 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, mx, tks. Meas. 11149.939. 25342
11149.9 1627-1837 15/11 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, mx, tks. Meas.11149.924. 25341
11170.0 1628-1638 15/11 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, mx, tks. Meas. 11170.116. 15341
11170.1 1605-1615 01/12 TWN Sound Of Hope R Int'l., unk. site. Mand to CHN, mx, tks. Meas. 11170.116. 25341
11387.0 *1020-... 10/12 SNG 9VA-43 Singapore Volmet. ID, met rpt. 35343
11387.0 *0950-... 15/11 SNG 9VA-43 Singapore Volmet. ID, met rpt. 25442
11387.0 1017-1020 10/12 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. Met rpt. Still reporting when Singapore Volmet s/on. 15341
11387.0 *1015-... 16/11 PAK ARA Karachi Volmet. Met rpt. 15341
11387.0 1042-1044* 08/12 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. Via west path. 15441
11387.0 *1040-... 13/12 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. ID, met rpt. 35342
11387.0 2342-... 29/11 THA HSD Bangkok Volmet. Met rpt. Occ. uty. QRM.      35443
11387.0 1802-... 09/12 AUS VKA-931 Australian Volmet, Alice Springs NT (?) Met rpt. Occ. uty. QRM. 25341
11387.0 1931-... 16/11 AUS VKA-931 Australian Volmet, Alice Springs NT (?) Met rpt.            25342
11387.0 *1030-... 10/12 AUS VKA-931 Australian Volmet. ID, met rpt. 25342
11387.0 1302-... 10/12 AUS VKA-931 Australian Volmet. Met rpt. Vy. faint. 15341
11387.0 1333-1335* 17/11 AUS VKA-931 Australian Volmet. Met rpt.        15341
11665.0 0948-0958 20/11 MLA Wai FM via RTM, Kajang. Tks, songs. Deteriorating. 35443
11750.0 1945-1955 11/12 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Rlgs. propag.  // 9665.000, 5939.726.        35433
11815.0 2149-2159 07/12 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Songs, sung fqs. ann., mx px Aguarela Brasileira at 2200. 35422
11815.0 1042-1052 10/12 B R.Brasil Central. Songs, tks. QRM de J. 24421
11815.0 2151-2201 13/12 B R.Brasil Central. Px Brasil Sertanejo. 55444
11815.0 2157-2207 15/11 B R.Brasil Central. Folk songs px Brasil Sertanejo, sung fqs. ann., more songs. // 4985.015 rtd. 35343. 55444
11815.1 2215-2225 19/11 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Folk songs px Brasil Sertanejo. A bit overmodulated. Inaudible on // 4985, seems off.     45444
12356.0 0921-... 16/11 NZL ZLM Taupo Maritime R, Taupo. Ocean wx.          25442
12356.0 0931-... 29/11 NZL ZLM Taupo Maritime R, Taupo. Ocean wx.        25341
12362.0 1537-... 01/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. 25341
12362.0 1033-... 10/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings.       35443
12362.0 1939-... 16/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings.         25342
12362.0 1843-... 01/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. 25342
12362.0 1540-... 13/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.      35342
12362.0 1643-... 15/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.        25342
12362.0 1204-... 17/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. Vy. faint. 15441
12362.0 2234-... 22/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.         25341
12365.0 1539-... 01/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings. 25342
12365.0 1035-... 10/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings.       35343
12365.0 1937-... 16/11 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings.         35343
12365.0 1845-... 01/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. 25342
12365.0 1542-... 13/12 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.     35342
12365.0 1641-... 15/11 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.        25342
12365.0 1202-... 17/11 AUS VMC Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings. Vy. faint. 15441
12546.0 1528-... 13/12 NZL ZLM Taupo Maritime R (p), Taupo. Ocean wx (p). Extrem. weak. 15341
12788.0 2218-... 07/12 USA NMG New Orleans R, GA. Ocean wx. 35332
12788.0 0940-... 29/11 USA NMG New Orleans R, GA. Ocean wx. Vy. faint.       15341
13089.0 2255-... 03/12 USA NMC Point Reyes R, CA. Ocean wx. 25341
13089.0 2318-... 03/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R, VA. Ocean wx. 35342
13089.0 1127-... 13/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R, VA. Ocean wx.             25342
13089.0 2206-... 04/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R. Ocean wx. 25331
13089.0 1726-... 06/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R. Ocean wx. 25341
13089.0 2208-... 13/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R. Ocean wx.             35443
13128.0 1018-... 11/12 TUR TAH İstanbul R. E, ocean wx. 35443
13128.0 1802-... 18/11 TUR TAH İstanbul R. Ocean wx. Unusually poor. Better on // 4405. 25342
13128.0 1004-... 19/11 TUR TAH İstanbul R. Ocean wx. 35443
13128.0 *1000-... 29/11 TUR TAH İstanbul R. Ocean wx. 25342
13146.0 1817-... 07/12 AFS ZSC Kaapstad R. Ocean wx. 35342
13146.0 1816-... 18/11 AFS ZSC Kaapstad R. Ocean wx, navig. warnings. 45444
13270.0 1556-... 01/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt. 35343
13270.0 1125-... 13/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt.           35443
13270.0 1026-... 16/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet, NL. Met rpt.       35343
13270.0 1522-... 13/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt. Occ. uty. QRM. 35433
13270.0 2223-... 13/12 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt. // 3485 fair, 6604 vy. good. 35332
13270.0 1656-... 15/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt. Occ. uty. QRM.      35343
13270.0 1225-... 17/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt.        35343
13270.0 1758-1759* 18/11 CAN VFG Gander Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. Occ. uty. QRM. 35443
13282.0 2143-... 04/12 J JIA Tokyo Volmet. Met rpt. Vy. faint. 15341
13282.0 *1850-... 19/11 J JIA Tokyo Volmet. Met rpt. Vy. faint. 15341
13282.0 1547-... 01/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 35343
13282.0 2017-... 04/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
13282.0 *1715-... 06/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. ID, met rpt. 35342
13282.0 1047-... 10/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 15341
13282.0 1546-1549* 10/12 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt, s/off ann. Adj. uty. QRM. 34432
13282.0 1718-1720* 19/11 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. Vy. faint. 25341
13282.0 0946-... 20/11 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. Met rpt. 15441
13282.0 *2315-... 22/11 HKG VRK Hong Kong Volmet. ID, met rpt. 25341
13282.0 1252-1254* 01/12 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 15341
13282.0 1552-... 01/12 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 25342
13282.0 *1720-... 06/12 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. ID, met rpt. 35342
13282.0 1022-1024* 10/12 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
13282.0 *1550-... 10/12 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. ID, met rpt. Adj. uty. QRM. 24431
13282.0 *1220-... 17/11 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. Met rpt. 25341
13282.0 *1720-... 19/11 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. ID, met rpt. 25342
13282.0 *1150-1155* 24/11 NZL ZKAK Auckland Volmet. ID, met rpt. 25341
15034.0 1717-... 01/12 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet, ON. Met rpt. 25342
15034.0 2218-... 10/12 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet, ON. Met rpt. Vy. faint.      15341
15034.0 1231-... 15/11 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet, ON. Met rpt.             25342
15034.0 1939-... 05/12 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet. Met rpt. 25342
15034.0 1755-... 18/11 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet. Met rpt. Uty. (?) QRM (marker?).        34443
15034.0 1912-... 20/11 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet. Met rpt. Uty. (?) QRM (marker?).        24442
15034.0 2230-... 22/11 CAN CHR Trenton Volmet. ID, met rpt. 25342
15700.0 1250-1300 10/12 DNK World Music R, Randers. Mx & songs.        35443
15700.0 1650-1700 23/11 DNK World Music R, Randers. Mx & songs. // 25800.109 rtd. 35443.       35443
15700.0 1532-1542 13/12 DNK World Music R. Mx & songs. 35443
15700.1 1717-1729 01/12 DNK World Music R, Randers. Mx & songs. 35443
15700.1 1935-1945 16/11 DNK World Music R. Mx & songs.         35443
15700.1 1730-1740 16/11 DNK World Music R, Randers. Mx & songs.         45444
16528.0 0943-... 10/12 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. 35342
16528.0 0933-... 29/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. Via west path.        15441
16528.0 0953-... 15/11 AUS VMW Marine Weather Station. Wx warnings.        35343
16531.0 1007-... 19/11 NZL ZLM Taupo Maritime R, Taupo. Ocean wx.        15341
16531.0 0935-... 29/11 NZL ZLM Taupo Maritime R, Taupo. Ocean wx. Vy. faint.       15341
17314.0 1728-... 06/12 USA NMN Chesapeake R, VA. Ocean wx. 25341
17675.0 2316-2326 09/12 NZL R.NZ Pacific, Rangitaiki. E, interview. 35433
25800.1 1248-1258 10/12 DNK World Music R, Mårslet. Mx & songs. 35543
25800.1 1732-1742 16/11 DNK World Music R, Mårslet. Mx.         15331
25800.1 1530-1540 13/12 DNK World Music R. Mx & songs. 35443